Another Artsy Fartsy Garage Sale!!


garage sale 2a

Well, the last garage sale was such a roaring success we’ve decided to hold another one, while the sun is still shining.  (Yes, it will eventually rain).

Date:  Sunday, August 16
Time:  10:00 – 3:00
Place:  Corner of E. 11th Ave. and Quebec St.  (1 block west of Main)

If you want to join us and sell off some of your excess craft supplies or the fabulous art you created, feel free.  I’ll be creating a Facebook Event page and, once that’s done, I’ll post the link on this blog.  As well, there will be ads on Craigslist and Kijiji, flyers in all the coffee shops along Main St. and signs on the main arteries around the neighbourhood.  If you have a blog or newsletter please forward the info.

Last sale I had lots of inquiries about renting tables, how to display items, etc. etc.  Just know, this is truly a garage sale.  It takes place along the sidewalk in front of my apartment building.  There’s no major organising on my part, other than all the advertising.  You can bring a table or just put your goodies on a blanket.  Price everything or not.  Organise the items professionally or just have a rough-and-tumble display.  It’s all up to you.

We had an absolutely amazing turnout last time and sold tons of stuff, so seriously think of participating.  Questions?  Email me at the usual rubydogart address or contact me through this blog.


Blog workshop

Vancouver Island Workshops has just posted their fall schedule.  If you live on the island or want to go there for workshops, these look fantastic. They fill up fast, so register early.  Click on the image above to go to their site.



Our favourite workshop instructor, Shary Bartlett, participated in a fundraising art challenge.  She blogged about her art process here:  Tell Me A Story


Ray ophoff

Ray Ophoff (oil paintings) and Joan Tayler (polymer clay) will be having an open studio this Saturday from noon to 5:00.  Joan is giving a polymer clay demo at 1:00.  Check it out.

884 E. Georgia St.

As well, the kind folks at Renzo’s Café, 1301 Commercial Drive (at Charles) will be featuring some of Ray’s work all month and the first fifty people to tell them “Ray sent me” will receive a delicious coffee beverage of their choice on his tab!


Okay, gotta head out to my lockers now and dig up goodies for the garage sale.  You, however, may just want to spend some time looking at art on your computer.  Have you ever checked out my ‘Favourites’ on Etsy?  No?  Well, this will occupy you for a while:

Items I Love

Shops I Love


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  1. Pingback: The Sale Is On! | RubyDog's Art House